Let us help you get the IELTS band score you need!

Why study IELTS at NZLC?
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) assesses the English language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as the language of communication.

•    Taught by experienced and supportive IELTS teachers.
•    Graduation certificate and academic report.
•    High success rate.
•    Approved Student Visa Pathway Education Provider.

Onsite IELTS Preparation course

•    Help students with key language, listening, reading, writing and speaking skills they need for the exam
•    Weekly progress tests and feedback
•    Full IELTS exam practice twice every 6-week cycle
•    Help students understand the IELTs assessment criteria and what they need to do to improve their band score
•    Three levels in Auckland.

You will be placed in a class aimed at the appropriate level.

•    IELTS 1 – Band scores of 4.0 – 4.5. This is approximately equivalent to Intermediate 1 in General English.
•    IELTS 2 – Band scores of 4.5 – 5.0. This is approximately equivalent to Intermediate 2 in General English.
•    IELTS 3 – Band scores of 5.0 – 6.0. This is approximately equivalent to Upper Intermediate in General English.
•    IELTS 4 – Band scores of 6.0 – 7.5. This is approximately equivalent to Advanced in General English.

Choose your programme!

NZLC has a wide range of quality English programmes including General EnglishIELTSBusiness EnglishCambridgePathway Programme,  Young Learners CoursesEnglish Teacher Training, and Group Study Tours.

Below, you can see the full level and course chart. This will give you an idea of the courses available to suit your level of English.

Beginner: Can understand simple statements and requests within very familiar situations and can respond in short, learnt phrases or words.

Elementary (A1): Can understand and use very basic language on some personal topics.

Pre-Intermediate (A2): Can understand and use simple language on a range of personal topics and in relation to daily needs.

Intermediate 1 (B1): Can understand and use language related to personal or common every day topics such as education, work, travel and socialising, as well as discuss more abstract topics such as experiences, giving and asking for opinions, and agreeing and disagreeing politely.

Intermediate 2 (B1+): Can understand and more confidently use language related to familiar topics such as education, work, travel and socialising, as well as discuss more abstract topics in greater detail, such as experiences, hopes and plans for the future.

Upper Intermediate (B2): Can understand the main ideas of complex language on a range of concrete and abstract topics, and participate in conversations with native speakers without communication breaking down.

Advanced (C1): Can understand almost everything heard and read, and express ideas and information clearly, precisely and fluently on a full range of complex topics.

English Levels A1-C1 refer to the levels on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Electives/Activities (optional)


IELTS (Morning Class and Evening**)
LevelsIntermediate to Advanced
Entry TestYes
Length6 – 48 weeks  / 1 level = 12 weeks (6 weeks per module)
Type – MorningFull Time (20 hrs/wk) + 5 hrs/wk Electives/Activities (optional)
Part Time (12.5 hrs/wk) + 5 hrs/wk Electives/Activities (optional)
Part Time (7.5 hrs/wk) + 5 hrs/wk Electives/Activities (optional)
Course Start (Morning)*Every 6 weeks on Monday (except public holidays)
Type – EveningFull Time (20 hrs/wk)
Part Time (10 hrs/wk)
Course Start (Evening)*24 June 2024 and 5 Aug 2024
Class Size12 (average) 16 (maximum)
Age***16+ (Morning option)/ 18+ (Evening option)

*Minimum student numbers required.

16 and 17 year old: Young Learners Tuition fee and Adult Textbook/Material Fee Policy apply.


Nils, Belgium. 

“The advice & exercises given by the experienced teachers helped me to achieve a band score of 8.5! The nationality mix in the classes also provided a great study & social experience. I would definitely recommend this course.”

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