Cambridge TKT

Cambridge TKT

Cambridge English (University Of Cambridge) Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)

TKT Young Learners and TKT Modules 1, 2 and 3 are tests that focuses on the teaching knowledge needed by English language teachers. Students will receive a certificate for each completed TKT Module. NZLC Auckland is an approved Cambridge TKT Testing Centre.

TKT has been developed for people who:
•    Would like to teach English but have not yet started teaching.
•    Are already teaching, but would like to take an internationally recognised qualification to gain formal recognition for their experience.
•    Want to enhance their career opportunities by broadening their teaching experience into specialist areas.
•    Want to keep their teaching skills up to date.

For more details about the course download the: TESOL and TECSOL Information Pack.


•    TKT: Module 1 (80 minutes / 80 questions).
Language and background to language learning and teaching.

•    What does TKT: Module 1 test?
This module tests candidates’ knowledge of the terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the core knowledge underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the options and resources the teacher can use in the classroom.

•    TKT: Module 2 (80 minutes / 80 questions)
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching.

•    What does TKT: Module 2 test?
This module focuses on the knowledge and skills teachers need to be able to plan a lesson framework or series of lessons. Teaching in this context also refers to any assessment required by the teacher to consolidate learning. It also focuses on the resources that are available to guide teachers in their lesson planning.

•    TKT: Module 3 (80 minutes / 80 questions)
Managing the teaching and learning process.

•    What does TKT: Module 3 test?
This module tests candidates’ knowledge of what happens in the classroom during language learning, the teacher’s role and the ways in which the teacher can manage and exploit classroom events and interactions.

•    Dates TKT Modules 1, 2 + 3.
2025 Dates: 2 Aug


•    TKT: Young Learners (80 minutes / 80 questions)
Language and background to language learning and teaching.

•    What is TKT: Young Learners?
TKT: Young Learners is a test of the knowledge of the strategies and skills required to teach young learners. It is suitable for international teachers working, or intending to work, in the primary sector of education.

•    What does TKT: Young Learners test?
TKT: Young Learners tests the background knowledge related to teaching young learners in the 6–12 age range. It also tests understanding of planning lessons, different teaching strategies and assessing learning.

•    The test is divided into four parts:
1 – Learning and development in young learners.
2 – Planning lessons for young learners.
3 – Teaching strategies for young learners.
4 – Classroom-based assessment for young learners.

•    TKT Young Learners Module Dates
2024 Dates:13 Sep

2025 TESOL TKT Modules 1, 2, 3$340
2024 TECSOL TKT Young Learners$120

Additional postage fee.

•    Your enrolment is accepted when your applicant test fee is received.
•    Full payment is required at least 7 weeks in advance of your test date (failure to do so will result in your booking being cancelled).
•    Cancellations can be accepted no less than 7 weeks prior to the test date with a cancellation fee of $50.
•    Postponements will only be accepted 5 weeks prior to the test date with a surcharge of $50.
•    Late applications can be accepted with full payment of the test fee plus a late fee of $30 per module. This must be received no later than 5 weeks prior to the test date.
•    NO changes to applicant details are possible less than 7 weeks prior to the test date.

•    What to bring on your TKT test date:
Photo ID (passport / International Student ID / Driver’s license) & an eraser and pencil to write with.

•    When will the certificate arrive?
Approximately 5 – 6 weeks after the date of the test.

•    Reissuing of TKT Certificate:
Cambridge University cannot reissue Cambridge TKT certificates.
NZLC TECSOL certificates and reports can be issued at a cost of $50 per page.

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