Contact NZLC
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm
Phone: +64 (0) 9 303 1962
NZLC opens throughout the year except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.
Level 3, 242 Queen Street, Auckland 1010. New Zealand
Post Box: PO Box 105 035
Auckland 1143, New Zealand.
Reporting Absence or Late Arrival
Please email and include your name, student ID number and the reason/evidence before the class starts.
Please stay home if you are unwell. NZLC will NOT mark you absent if:
- You have to self-isolate due to testing positive for Covid-19
- You are unwell/have flu symptoms (a medical certificate is required for more than 7 working days absence), and
- You advise us before the start of class by email. Please note that you will not get credit for the missed days.
If you test positive for Covid-19, we strongly recommend that you isolate for at least 5 days.
For Young Learners (14 – 17 years), your host family or designated caregiver needs to inform NZLC by calling reception before 8:30am.
After hours contacts for urgent matters
Urgent matters only:
- NZLC After hours contacts: +64 21 180 6300
- NZLC WhatsApp number link:
- NZLC WhatsApp number QR code: