English Only!

English Only!

This is how NZLC encourages the ‘English Only’ policy – empowering students in a fun and positive way!

Research shows that when people are relaxed and enjoying themselves, they achieve far better results than when they are forced to do something. At NZLC, we encourage students to speak only in English at all times, but we do so by empowering them.

Every six weeks, we run our ‘English Only Week’ to challenge and inspire students in an engaging and enjoyable way!

Over 90% of students agree that our English Only Week has helped them improve faster – and they’ve also had a lot of fun in the process.

What happens during English Only Week:

  • Speak English at all times! – From the moment you wake up until you go to bed, in class, during breaks, and even outside of school hours. Throw yourself into the language, connect with others, and see just how much you can achieve when you fully commit to speaking only English! Once you discover how effective this approach is, you’ll be excited to continue making English a natural part of your day.
  • Teachers & students celebrate the effort! – Many classes offer exciting prizes to students who show great dedication, improvement, and enthusiasm throughout the week. It’s all about celebrating progress – big or small – and keeping the energy high!
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