Student Support
We can help you settling into the NZ lifestyle!
Study Support
Our friendly Academic and Student Services team are happy to offer advice, support and guidance to help all NZLC students meet their English goals!
Our experienced team can assist you with study plan support and advice, course information sessions, pronunciation programme and more.
Advice and Student Support
Our experienced team can assist you with study plan support and advice, visa assistance, information about work in New Zealand, bank account information, public transport pass/ student ID, activities and first language support in 8 different languages.
Work in New Zealand
Our team will assist you with all the information about the requirements and documents that you need to be able to work in New Zealand. We also run weekly FREE Job Preparation Workshops, where we will assist you in your cv and cover letter and job interview skills! Read more.
We offer a range of different after school activities with a new calendar every month. You can try something different every day while meeting new friends from all over the world, practising your English and exploring our cities! Read more.
Services we offer:
NZLC offers an extremely welcoming and friendly environment. On your first day, you will meet our dedicated Student Services team
• Study Plan & Advice:
Our Academic and Student Services team will help you choose the perfect courses for you.
• Bank Account:
We can show you how easy it is to open a New Zealand bank account and help with the documents that you need.
• Visa Assistance:
We will also support you in your visa extension process. For visa information, visit the Immigration website.
• Internet / WI-FI/ Phone:
FREE internet and WIFI are available at our schools for your use! NZLC can also arrange reasonably priced phones, SIM cards and international calling cards.
• Accommodation Advice:
Our team s happy to offer advice when you look for a place to live in the city or stay on weekend trips.
• First Language Support:
Our friendly student services speak a range of languages to help you with your life in NZ.
• Public Transport Pass/ Student ID:
Once you arrive at NZLC, we will issue you a Student ID card which can give you various discounts. We can show you the cheapest way to buy your public transportation card (Auckland Transport Information)
• Job Workshop:
Our FREE job workshops once a week will give you all the support to make your job search easy!
Temporarily unavailable.
Student Handbook
NZLC Directors Mr Justin Mastoyo Mr Miles Stewart Ms Makiko Kunitate |
Director Director Director / Head of Marketing
Management | |
Mr Stuart Binnie Mr Nelson Almazar | Principal Financial Controller |
Academic | |
Ms. Rhian Owen Ms. Kate Swan Mr. Ian Mazykin Mr. Abdiel Valencia Ms. Alexandra Constantine Mr. Quentin Farrell | Academic Manager Assistant Academic Manager Exams Manager Academic Coordinator Senior Teacher Senior Teacher |
Student Services Team | |
Ms. Mai Fujita Ms. Soojeong Han Mr. Batu Kaynarcali Ms. Jiraporn Boonphoom (Bee) Ms. Luzarmi Ocampo Villanueva Ms. Jazmin Castaneda | Student Services Manager Student Services Coordinator Student Services & Activities Coordinator Student Services Officer Student Services Evening Course Officer Student Services Officer |
Marketing Team | |
Ms. Hazel Hwang Mr. Mauricio Penagos Ms. Misa Watanuki Ms. Amanda Wong Ms. Apiradee Srisawas (Alis) | Sales and Course Advice Manager (remote) Brand Manager Marketing Coordinator Marketing Officer Marketing Officer |
Enrolments Team | |
Ms. Claudia Kikuchi-Joyes Ms. Gabriela Alves Ms. Vidhi Patel Ms. Anastasia Adelina | Office /Enrolments Manager Homestay Coordinator Enrolments Officer Enrolments Officer |
Accounts Team | |
Mr. Nelson Almazar Ms. Ayuko Ishikawa | Accounts Manager Administration Assistant |
NZLC reception is located on Level 3 and the Academic office is located on Level 12 at 242, Queen Street campus.
Academic Team or Student Services |
School Principal |
Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 |
Student Services Team |
Homestay team |
If you really need to talk to someone in your own language, please ask Student Services.
- Free Wi-Fi
- Student computers
- Common area with kitchen
- Microwaves
- Vending machine
- Table Tennis and board games area
Buying lunch
There is a range of cafes and restaurants to choose from including Kiwi-European, Thai, Japanese, Asian-fusion, Mexican and French cuisine, all within footsteps of the school.
Internet / WIFI
We have free internet available during school opening hours, but please do not use it for downloading. Only use the internet during class time if it relates to your lesson. Remember, internet in New Zealand can be slow, so please be patient! Please do not eat or drink around the computers, and do not turn the computers off. The WIFI password is available at reception.
Activities and Weekend Trips
Information about after-school activities and weekend trips is posted on the school notice boards and our website ( There are also weekend trips available so you can explore New Zealand. If you have any questions or need help organising a trip around New Zealand, please ask the Student Services team. You can also speak to the Student Services team if you have any suggestions for activities.
NZLC offers a range of optional electives, activities and workshops every day after the morning timetable from 2pm – 3pm. Click to view the electives and activities available.
Beginner: Can understand simple statements and requests within very familiar situations and can respond in short, learnt phrases or words.
Elementary (A1): Can understand and use very basic language on some personal topics.
Pre-Intermediate (A2): Can understand and use simple language on a range of personal topics and in relation to daily needs.
Intermediate 1 (B1): Can understand and use language related to personal or common every day topics such as education, work, travel and socialising, as well as discuss more abstract topics such as experiences, giving and asking for opinions, and agreeing and disagreeing politely.
Intermediate 2 (B1+): Can understand and more confidently use language related to familiar topics such as education, work, travel and socialising, as well as discuss more abstract topics in greater detail, such as experiences, hopes and plans for the future.
Upper Intermediate (B2): Can understand the main ideas of complex language on a range of concrete and abstract topics, and participate in conversations with native speakers without communication breaking down.
Advanced (C1): Can understand almost everything heard and read, and express ideas and information clearly, precisely and fluently on a full range of complex topics.
English Levels A1-C1 refer to the levels on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
2024 Course Calendar
*During the special weeks, our General English and IELTS courses follow a special curriculum
Please visit for NZLC Course Calendar and Public Holiday schedule.
NZLC is closed on the following public holidays:
The usual weekly tuition rates apply for weeks where the above dates fall. No refunds or time in lieu will apply for public holidays falling within the week of tuition.
All students must comply with New Zealand law and regulations as well as NZLC rules and regulations.
At NZLC we want you, your classmates and your teachers to have an enjoyable and productive learning experience. This is why we have a few simple rules for you to follow in the classroom and around the school:
- Attend all your classes
- Speak English as much as possible
- Come to your classes on time. Students who are more than 15 minutes late must wait until the next break before entering the class
- Do not leave any valuable items around the school
- Put your rubbish into the bins provided and help keep the school clean
- NO SMOKING/VAPING or drinking alcohol in the building (including toilets, fire exits, lifts, and foyers). If smoking/vaping triggers the fire alarm, a $2000+ fine will be charged, and disciplinary actions will be taken
- Be polite and respectful at all times to your classmates, teacher and other NZLC students and staff
- Do not sleep during your lesson
- Do not use your phone in class, unless it relates to the lesson
- Do not eat near computer areas and keep caps on bottles
- Inform the school when you have a new address, phone number, visa or insurance cover
- Do not transfer or sell your course weeks to another student / person
In your classroom, you will also find a copy of the above class rules that we expect you to follow in the class and around the school. If you have any doubts, or the behaviour of a classmate is upsetting you, please talk to your teacher.
- Please send email to with your name, student ID number and reason before your class stars if you are going to be absent from class. Morning class: before 8.30am / Afternoon class: before 1:45pm / Evening class: before 5:30pm.
- NZLC will NOT mark you absent if:
You have to self-isolate due to testing positive for Covid-19
You are unwell / have flu symptoms (a medical certificate is required for more than 7 working days absence), and
You advise us before the start of class by email. Please note that you will not get credit for the missed days. - If you test positive for Covid19, we strongly recommend that you isolate for at least 5 days. Please send us an email to so we can excuse your absence. Please stay at home if you feel unwell, and use a mask to avoid spreading the virus.
- For holiday applications please remember you need to give us 4 weeks’ notice
- For Young Learners (14– 17years), your host family or designated caregiver needs to inform NZLC by emailing or calling reception before 8:30am.
If you test positive for Covid19, we strongly recommend that you isolate for at least 5 days. Please send us an email to so we can excuse your absence. Please stay at home if you feel unwell, and use a mask to avoid spreading the virus.
If you are staying in a homestay arranged by NZLC, you can self isolate at the Homestay and If your homestay arrangement is Half Board and you can request lunch on weekdays, the homestay can arrange it for $30 per week.
All students are expected to attend 100% of their course. Attendance is marked per session and collated at the end of each week.
Young Learners
Any missed classes will be followed up immediately and the NZLC Disciplinary Process will be initiated where appropriate.
Adult Students (18+ years)
- If your current attendance falls below 90%, you will receive a Category 1 Attendance Letter to your email. You will be asked to acknowledge your responsibility to improve your current attendance rate. Current attendance is the attendance rate from the start of the course up until the end of the current week.
- If your current attendance falls below 90%, you will receive a Category 1 Attendance Letter to your email. You will be asked to acknowledge your responsibility to improve your current attendance rate. Current attendance is the attendance rate from the start of the course up until the end of the current week.
- If your current attendance falls below 85%, you will receive a Category 2 Attendance Letter to your email. You will be asked to explain your absences or provide medical certificates.
- If your current attendance falls below 80%, you will receive a Category 3 Attendance Letter to your email. You will be asked for a meeting with NZLC team. Your attendance will continue to be monitored until we are satisfied there is improvement.
- If there is still no improvement, you will be sent a final warning letter explaining what will happen if your overall attendance drops below 80%. Overall attendance is the final rate of attendance that will be reached if you have no further absences from the previous Friday until the end of your course. If you have an education consultant, they will be notified about the final warning.
- Students must meet the English New Zealand minimum attendance requirement of 80%. If a student’s overall attendance falls below 80%, a termination of enrolment may result. If you wish to dispute the termination, you may be required to have a meeting with management to explain why your enrolment should not be terminated. NZLC management will then consider your explanation before coming to a final decision.
- Where the English New Zealand minimum attendance of 80% has not been achieved, both the attendance % and the non-compliance statement will be clearly shown on your leaving certificate.
- If your enrolment is terminated, you will be asked to finish your course immediately without entitlement to a refund. NZLC is obliged to report all student visa holders to Immigration New Zealand about the course withdrawal and your visa may be cancelled. Similarly, NZLC will notify your education consultant of the decision.
- You can check your attendance while studying at NZLC. Please see NZLC Student Service staff.
- If you require an official NZLC Attendance Certificate, please see NZLC Student Services staff.
If you are unable to follow the school and attendance rules outlined above, please speak with the Student Services team. NZLC staff will do their best to support you and prevent the Disciplinary and Termination Process from escalating. However, in extreme cases, the process may need to proceed more quickly.
If students fail to meet the obligations under this agreement, NZLC will either give a verbal warning or a warning letter explaining what is wrong, what needs to be done and when it must be done by. If students do not comply with the warning, this agreement may be terminated immediately. NZLC reserves the right to terminate this agreement at their sole discretion if a student’s conduct, behaviour or attendance is deemed unsatisfactory. If the student’s enrolment is terminated, they will be asked to leave immediately, without entitlement to a refund or deferral. In addition, NZLC will report the termination to Immigration New Zealand where applicable. NZLC will also notify the student’s education consultant/parent of the decision.
To extend your course, you must complete the procedure below at least 2 weeks prior to your original finishing date. If you need to extend your visa, you will need to start the process at least 8 weeks prior to your original finishing date. Please note, the course extension will be subject to availability.
Extension procedure:
1. Talk to one of our marketers
2. Complete the NZLC Extension form and make full payment
3. Please apply for a visa/permit according to your course extension if necessary.
4. Please arrange insurance to cover your course extension if necessary. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to speak to one of our Student Services staffs for help.
You can take 2 weeks of holiday per every 12 weeks of full-time study, the weeks can be added to your course end date.
- Young Learners: Please refer to the NZLC YL Pre-Enrolment Handbook.
- Adult Students: Please see our student services or our marketers to apply for a holiday. Please note the below:
- Your visa must cover the new course end date
- If your insurance does not cover the whole course, you will have to buy more insurance.
- The holiday must be from Monday to Friday.
- You need to complete a Holiday request form
- If you don’t give us 4 weeks notice, the holiday weeks might not be added to your course end date.
- Away from homestay: please talk to the Homestay Department.
- They will contact the host family to inform them of your plans.
- If you are going to be away for 14 nights or longer, a retaining fee and 2 weeks’ written notice is required to hold the homestay room.
Refer to the Fees and Courses Form for details on material fees corresponding to your course:
All students get a certificate of achievement and a written report from their teacher on their last day of study. Students must meet the English New Zealand minimum attendance requirement of 80%. Where this has not been achieved, both the % attendance and the non-compliance statement will be clearly shown on the leaving certificate.
For students who request changes to their course/s after arrival and/or after the course commencement date, the “NZLC Cancellation, Withdrawal Policy and Procedure” and “NZLC Refund Policy” will be applied. A written request must be sent to NZLC in all cases. For course withdrawals, an NZLC Withdrawal Form must be completed and submitted to Student Services.
Students can request a course change between the morning, afternoon and evening course with at least 1 week’s written notice (subject to course availability and meeting entry criteria) after the course commencement.
After courses/services commence:
Enrolment Fee | No Refund |
Accommodation Arrangement Fee | No Refund |
Homestay Fee | · 2 or more weeks’ notice: 100% Refund. Homestay dates/duration change request fee* $100 applies · Less than 2 weeks’ notice: No Refund |
Airport transfer/Insurance | No Refund (the return airport transfer fee is refundable with at least 2 working days’ notice) |
Tuition Fee | · Courses less than 5 weeks: Students who withdraw within the first 2 days of the course will be entitled to a refund of 50% on the tuition fees. · Courses of 5 weeks or more but less than 3 months: Students who withdraw within the first 5 days of the course will be entitled to a refund of 75% of the tuition fees. · Courses of 3 months or more (International students only): Students who withdraw within the first 10 working days of the course will be entitled to a full refund of the total tuition fee, less a deduction of costs incurred by NZLC, up to a maximum of 25% of the fees paid. · Courses of 3 months or more (domestic students only): Students who withdraw within the first 8 days of the course will be entitled to a full refund of the total tuition fee, less a deduction the lesser of 10 percent of the fees paid or $500. · Note: multiple courses on one enrolment form are treated as a whole. |
All other arrangement fees incurred | No Refund |
Circumstantial Policies for homestay
If there is any doubt that there will be change from the original schedule, NZLC needs to be advised immediately in order to avoid the maximum penalty.
Homestay Family change request after arrangement process has started / Additional homestay placement | An additional full homestay arrangement fee required (note: depending upon availability, it may take up to 4 weeks to find new homestay) |
Homestay shortening | · 2 or more weeks’ notice: 100% Refund. Homestay dates/duration change request fee* $100 applies · Less than 2 weeks’ notice: No Refund |
Extension with the same homestay | NZLC can guarantee homestay for the paid period. If students wish to stay longer in the same homestay, they must inform NZLC Accommodation staff at least 2 weeks in advance. The extension is subject to availability. Homestay dates/duration change request fee* of $100 applies |
Damage or loss to property | NZLC cannot be held liable for any damage or loss to property a student has caused in their NZLC Homestay. Students must notify the provider immediately if anything is not in order; otherwise, they could be held liable for the repair cost. |
Holiday away from homestay for periods of 14 nights or longer | A retaining fee and 2 weeks’ written notice is required to hold the homestay room. |
Circumstantial Policies and Additional Fees:
Course Deferral | Adjustment fees apply if there are any changes made at the time of re-enrolment. |
Credit Note | NZLC may accept a “Course Credit Note” for some special circumstances at the discretion of the campus Principal. The course must recommence within 12 months from the date of the original course completion date. Any adjustment of fees for the postponed original enrolment need to be paid. An administration fee and a $250 fee for reissuing a COE will be charged if requested. |
Visa Denial | Tuition Fee: Full refund for the unused weeks All other fees: Refer to NZLC Cancellation, Withdrawal, Changes and Refund/Penalty Policies and Procedures above. (Evidence required). |
Visa Cancellation | In the case of non-compliance with visa conditions after arrival in New Zealand wherein students are forced to cancel all or part of their course, no refund is available for any unused weeks, and the above cancellation policy applies for service fees (evidence required). |
Missed Days due to late arrival | If students arrive after the commencement date, there is no refund for these “missed days”. |
Unpreventable Event / Natural Disaster | In the event that NZLC must close due to an unpreventable event or natural disaster (e.g. power blackout, storm), then there will be no refund for any “missed days”. |
Course Cancellation | The course can be transferred to another NZLC course or a full refund applies. |
Course Entry Requirements Not Met | If the student does not meet the entry requirements of a specific course originally enrolled in, the course can be transferred to another NZLC course. |
Misconduct and Termination | No refund is available for unused study weeks caused by termination of enrolment due to misconduct and the above cancellation policy applies for service fees. |
Refund | Refunds will be paid directly to the student, or the student’s education consultant, within 4 weeks of receiving the written request and bank details unless written permission is provided by the student and/or the education consultant to pay to another party. |
Additional Fees | · Reissuing a COE: $250 · Revising enrolment more than 3 times: Additional 50% to 100% of the original enrolment fee · Additional Accommodation Arrangement: 50% to 100% of the original accommodation arrangement fee · Re-issuing a Graduation Certificate and Report: $50 + postage |
A copy of the full NZLC Enrolment Terms & Conditions are available on NZLC’s website:
For more details on the withdrawal and refund rules in NZ, refer to the NZQA website:
The school always tries to guarantee your safety while in the school. Here are some practical guidelines:
If there is a fire/emergency evacuation: There is a staff member assigned to each floor who will direct evacuation in the unlikely event of a fire or other natural disaster. In your classroom, you will also find information on emergency exits and how to react in the case of an earthquake.
To ensure quick evacuations, the school holds “practice” evacuations. During these evacuations, please follow the staff member’s instructions quickly and calmly:
In your classroom, you can find a copy of the school map with the fire exits mapped out.
When you hear the alarm siren, make your way to the nearest emergency exit.
- DO NOT use the elevators in an evacuation.
- Use the internal stairwell. DO NOT bring your belongings with you.
- DO NOT stand in front of the entrance– move onto the footpaths in front of the buildings.
- DO NOT carry drinks and large items with you down the stairs.
School Hazards
If you notice any kind of hazard around the school, (e.g., a broken window, loose door etc.), please let your teacher or another staff member know immediately.
Please remember you can talk to Student Services about any of the below or any other issues and we will be happy to help.
For minor health problems, you can visit the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to recommend some medicine for you. Visit Student Services if you are not sure where the closest pharmacy is.
If you need a doctor and don’t have one, please visit Student Services. We can recommend a doctor located close to the school. If you need to see a doctor outside school hours, you can find your nearest option and book an appointment at Please check the fees for casual patients, as charges may vary if you are not enrolled. Also, confirm with your insurance company whether medical costs will be covered.
After-hours Accident and Emergency
Auckland Hospital Emergency Department is open 24 hours.
2 Park Rd, Grafton. Phone: (09) 367 0000.
If you are very sick or get injured outside business hours, you can visit your nearest A&E (Accident and Emergency Centre). You can find your nearest A&E centre by Googling “A&E.” Remember to call your insurance provider before you visit, otherwise your medical fee may not be fully covered.
Relationships and Family Planning
Many students start relationships in New Zealand. If you need advice about sexual and reproductive health or want to avoid pregnancy, contact Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa. They are very helpful, and translation services are available for an additional fee. If you are not a permanent resident, be sure to check their non-resident fees. For more information, visit:
The emergency number in New Zealand is 111.
· First, say if you need “fire,” “police,” or “ambulance.”
· Then, give the address where you are.
· After that, explain what the emergency is.
If it’s not an emergency, call 105 to report it to the police.
Free Counselling and Support
It is common to feel homesick when you are away from home. If you are feeling unwell in anyway, talk to Student Services and we will help you find the support you need. If you are worried about a classmate, please talk to Student Services.
- Lifeline is NZ’s phone counselling service, providing free support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 0800 543 354.
- Youthline offers free support over the phone if you want to talk to someone about any personal problem in your life.
Phone: 0800 376 633.
- Anxiety Helpline: If you are feeling anxious and would like to talk to someone about it, you can call this helpline.
Phone: 0800 ANXIETY (0800 269 4389).
- is a website dedicated to helping people through depression and anxiety. You can free phone 24 hours a day 7 days a week: 0800 111 757.
NZLC does not support gambling. Many kinds of gambling are illegal, but even legal gambling can cause you problems. If you think you have a gambling addiction, speak to Student Services and we can help. You can also use the below helpline:
- Gambling Helpline Phone: 0800654655 or text 8006
Drugs and Alcohol
Buying and selling drugs is illegal at any age and is considered a serious crime. For information about alcohol and drug laws including penalties, you can see the NZ Police website:
If you think you have an alcohol or drug addiction, speak to Student Services and we can help, or use the below helplines:
- Alcohol Drug Helpline Phone: 0800 787 797
Smoking/Vaping is prohibited in most public places (including the school building). Smoking and Vaping is prohibited in all restaurants and bars. If you need help overcoming an addiction, the below helplines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
· Quitline (Smoking Addiction) Phone: 0800 778 778
Eligibility for Health Services
Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment.
Full details on entitlements to publicly-funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website at
Accident Insurance (ACC)
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand. If you go to the doctor for an accident-related injury, you must let the doctor or reception know and this way, it may cost less. Please note that coverage is not guaranteed and if you have an accident, you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at
The NZ Government (NZQA) requires all international students to have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance for the duration of their enrolment at NZLC and for travel to and from New Zealand, regardless of the type of visa they hold. NZLC can only accept insurance which meets the requirements set out the latest New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2023. For more information, visit:
An acceptable insurance policy includes:
- Covers travel to and from New Zealand and travel within New Zealand; and
• Medical care in New Zealand including diagnosis, prescription, surgery and hospitalization; and
• Repatriation or expatriation of the student as a result of serious illness or injury, including cover of travel costs incurred by family members assisting repatriation or expatriation; and|
• Death of the student, including cover of: 1. Travel costs of family members to and from New Zealand; and 2. Costs of repatriation or expatriation of the body; and 3. Funeral expenses
• You will be liable for expenses relating to a pre-existing condition that are not covered by your insurance.
• If you provide your own insurance, the insurance certificate and policy must be submitted to NZLC in English.
To avoid confusion, NZLC strongly recommends arranging a policy through NZLC prior to arrival in New Zealand.
Insurance will be arranged with an NZQA-compliant insurer such as Southern Cross .
If the student’s own insurance policy does not meet the conditions outlined above, the student will be required to upgrade their policy or order one through NZLC, which can be requested at any time during the enrolment process or on arrival.
If travel/medical insurance is bought through NZLC, the insurance will be purchased 3 days before the student’s NZLC start date to cover the travel period. If a student is travelling to NZ more than 3 days before their NZLC start date, the student must inform NZLC in order to arrange an earlier cover date for the insurance.
If you want to make an insurance claim on your NZLC-arranged insurance, talk to Student Services and we will help you complete the process. If you arranged your own insurance, contact your insurance company directly to find out how to make a claim.
Road Safety
Cars drive on the left hand side of the road – be careful when you cross roads! Do not step out suddenly onto busy roads and look for traffic lights or pedestrian crossings (“zebra crossings”) where you can cross safely.
Sun Safety
New Zealand’s sun is very strong. When you’re outside, remember to use sunscreen and wear a hat. This is even true for sunny days during winter.
Water Safety
New Zealand is an island surrounded by beautiful beaches, but the currents can be very strong. Be very careful in the water. If you are swimming at the beach, swim between the red and yellow flags and do not go past your head. Always listen to safety instructions when you are on a boat, kayak etc.
Personal Belongings
Don’t carry a lot of cash around with you as there is a danger of it being taken from you. Always look after your bag and personal belongings. Don’t leave them behind in the classrooms.
Bullying / Discrimination / Harassment
In New Zealand, it is illegal to harass other people. If anyone harasses or bullies you, please contact one of NZLC’s Student Service staff or any member of NZLC staff immediately.
Stranger Danger
A stranger is a person that you do not know. Be careful around strangers and stay aware of your surroundings. NEVER GET INTO A CAR OR GO SOMEWHERE ALONE WITH A STRANGER even if the person looks friendly. If you have to walk late at night, walk with a friend. Ask a staff member or your homestay family about areas of the city that are not so good to walk through at night.
Cyber Safety
Ignore suspicious messages, emails, and phone calls. Never click on links sent by text messages or emails. If you see messages like the one below, block the sender. Please be aware of callers saying they are from Inland revenue or Immigration. Do not provide your bank account details, passport number or IRD details to anyone over the phone/emails/text messages.
Earthquakes and Natural Disasters
Due to New Zealand’s location and environment, earthquakes and other natural disasters are possible. This website has some good tips on how to prepare and react during the unfortunate event of a natural disaster:
As a student, you should use digital tools in a responsible and respectful way to keep the online space safe and positive.
- Be Kind: Treat others with respect in all online communication. Don’t use rude or inappropriate language.
- Think Before Posting: Before you post anything, think about how it will affect others. Remember, what you do online is permanent.
- Protect Privacy: Don’t share personal information (your own or others’) online.
- Academic Honesty: Do your own work, don’t copy others, and give credit when you use someone else’s ideas.
- No Filming or Photos: It’s strictly prohibited to film or take photos of your English class and teacher without permission.
- Follow Rules: Follow the laws and school policies. Report anything inappropriate.
- Focus on Learning: Use digital tools only for your studies and stay focused during class.
- Know the Consequences: Misconduct can lead to disciplinary action.
These rules help keep the online environment respectful and productive for everyone. If you have questions about digital safety or rules, please contact Student Services.
Immigration and Visas
When you arrive in New Zealand, you should already have your Visitor/Student/Working Holiday visa. If you need help to extend your visa while you’re here, please ask our Student Services team. It can take 8 weeks to process a visa, so make sure you start the application ahead of time.
Full details of visa and permit requirements and advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying are available through Immigration New Zealand:
Public transport
Navigating Auckland’s public transport is made easy with the AT HOP card, a smart card that grants access to buses, trains, and ferries, offering not only convenience but also discounted fares for cost-effective travel. Make the most of your journey by utilizing the AT Mobile App for real-time timetables and efficient journey planning. It’s a handy tool to ensure you’re always on schedule. Please remember to observe local customs and etiquette.
Students who are enrolled for 16 weeks or more may be eligible for transportation fare discounts – please check with NZLC Student Services.
If you’re staying in New Zealand for 6 months or more, you can open a bank account. Most savings accounts come with a plastic “cash card” which you can use to access automatic teller machines (ATMs) 24 hours a day to withdraw and deposit money. All the major banks are located close to NZLC: ANZ, ASB, BNZ and Kiwibank. To open a bank account you will need your passport, proof of address in New Zealand (NZLC can help you with this) and your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) from your country. A TIN can have a different name in other counties, e.g. social security number or national ID number.
You must be 18 years old to buy alcohol in New Zealand. You must also be able to prove your age with acceptable photo I.D. This means your passport, New Zealand Driver’s License, or a Kiwi Access Card (formerly the “18+ card”). Applications for the Kiwi Access card are available at NZLC reception. Photocopied documents and international driver licenses are not accepted at restaurants or bars.
Driving in New Zealand might be very different from driving in your country. If you’re going to get a driving license in New Zealand, please ask the staff for advice and books to help you. You can also have a look at the useful websites below. You must not drive without a valid driver’s license.
Information for Visiting Drivers:
Drive Safe:
Hitchhiking can be dangerous and NZLC does not recommend it.
Phone Calls and Sim Cards
Public telephones around the city can be used with pre-paid phone cards or credit cards. They can also be used for emergency and free phone call numbers such as those starting with 0800 or 0508. If you want to make overseas calls, you can buy overseas discount cards from convenience stores, supermarkets or petrol stations.
You can purchase a sim card from 2 Degrees, Spark or One NZ. Travel sim cards from these companies are available at the airport. It’s a good idea to purchase a sim card on arrival so that you can have internet access right away. Prices range from $30 to $99 for 1 – 2 months depending on how much data you need.
Posting Mail
Posting mail in NZ is an easy process. You will be shown where the post office is on your first day during orientation. Talk to student services for more information. Note: we strongly advise that you do not use the school address as your postal address for valuable documents or postage. NZLC does not take any responsibility for looking after your mail.
In New Zealand smoking in most public places is prohibited (including the school building). Smoking in all restaurants and bars is prohibited.
Working in New Zealand
If you have a Working Holiday Visa or a Student Visa with a work permit and you are planning to find a part-time job in NZ, we recommend that you come to our FREE job workshops for tips on finding jobs, writing CVs going to interviews and employee rights. You will also need to apply for an IRD number, (tax number), before you start work in New Zealand. You can find IRD forms at reception or apply online. You can see more information about working in NZ on these websites: and
Your Rights
The New Zealand Citizen’s Advice Bureau provides information and advocacy in different languages on a wide range of issues including employment and housing:
It’s very common to live in a shared house with other students here in NZ. This is called a flat and the people you live with are flatmates.
There are advantages, (good things) and disadvantages, (bad things) about living in a flat:
- Independence
- Freedom
- Cheaper Rent – approximately $180 – $280 per week if you share the place with other flatmates and stay more than 6 months
- You can cook your own food
- You can meet and live with other people the same age and with the same interests
Things to keep in mind:
- It can be expensive to set up your own flat if you have to buy furniture, a fridge, washing machine and connecting electricity. (However, many flats are already furnished).
- If you go into an established/furnished flat, you may still need to buy a bed, drawers for your bedroom, pay a bond and rent in advance.
- When you move out of the flat, you should leave it in the same condition as you found it. The Landlord may keep some/all of your bond to cover costs if there are any damages made to the house. (Tip: it’s a good idea to take photos of the place when you first move in and when you move out. That way you have evidence that there was no damage made to the property.)
Useful Vocabulary:
Flat: a shared house or rented apartment.
Rent: the money you pay to live in the house. This is usually paid weekly in New Zealand.
Flatmate: a person who shares the house with you. If someone else signs the tenancy agreement but lets you share the flat, you are a flatmate. Flatmates live in the property but are not part of the tenancy agreement.
Tenant: If you have signed a tenancy agreement with a Landlord, you’re a tenant. This means you’re legally responsible for the place. Tenants are responsible for all of the rent and any damage that occurs in the flat, whether by you or someone else renting a room in the flat.
Landlord: The person who owns the house or apartment.
Bond: Money paid as a deposit and returned when you leave the flat if nothing is broken or damaged.
Expenses/bills: The cost of power, water, internet etc. This can be a fixed or a varied amount around $30 per week. (Sometimes the expenses are already included in the weekly rent).
Before signing or agreeing to anything, it’s important that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. You can find some useful information here:
Landlord Obligations
- The Landlord must tell you 24 hours before they want to visit. Visits should be rare (e.g., every 3 months).
- The Landlord must fix any problems with the house e.g., a problem with the shower.
- The Landlord must give your bond to the Tenancy Services within 23 days.
Where can I find a flat?
- Talk to your classmates! You never know who might be looking for a flatmate.
- Check the NZLC Student noticeboards
- Check the following website and Facebook groups
Visiting the flat:
- If you are interested in a flat that you’ve seen advertised, contact the person to arrange a time to visit the flat.
- It’s important that you see the house and meet the other tenants before agreeing to move in. It’s not recommended to move in without having done a viewing.
- Questions you should ask before agreeing to move in:
- How much is the rent per week? Does this include bills (e.g. water, electricity, internet)? If expenses are not included in the weekly rent, how much extra is it per week?
- Is the room furnished?
- Is there a bond? How much is it?
- Who else lives in the house? What are their ages, genders etc.?
- How long can I stay for? / Is there a minimum stay?
For more information, visit the Accommodation or Student Services Department.
To understand the history of New Zealand or “Aotearoa”, you need to know about the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Treaty of Waitangi:
- was signed between the Maori inhabitants and the British government in 1840
- agrees that Maori and other New Zealanders should work together as partners
- protects Maori property, customs, and culture
- encourages Maori to find Maori solutions to serious problems
That means, at school we all must:
- respect each other’s cultures
- never make racist remarks
- recognise the special place of Maori and the Maori heritage (Maoritanga) in New Zealand / Aotearoa today
- learn in the classroom about the Treaty of Waitangi
And it means that, outside the classroom, we must:
- accept the “two cultures” policy of modern New Zealand life
- tolerate and try to understand different cultures
- respect the law and life-styles of New Zealand / Aotearoa
You must also be careful of New Zealand’s natural resources. This is very important. Many plants, animals, fish, and shellfish are strictly protected. You cannot remove them. For example, you cannot take any plants, animals or minerals from a National Park. Also, some fish and shellfish can only be caught in small amounts at certain times of the year. So be very careful! If you break these laws, you may be heavily fined and you may be deported from New Zealand.
On a more positive note, it means that you will enjoy the benefits of two very different cultures during your stay. From time to time, NZLC will include information about Maori culture into our lessons. We will also offer off-site activities that allow you to explore Maori life and customs at first hand!
NZLC Auckland | Level 3, 242 Queen Street, Auckland 1010 Mon-Fri: 8.00am – 5:30pm except public holidays | 09 3031962 |
NZLC After hours
| NZLC After hours contacts for urgent matters | 021 180 6300 |
NZLC WhatsApp number link and QR Code: | ![]() | |
Emergency Service | Police, Ambulance, Fire | 111 |
Police (non-emergency) | To report things that have already happened and do not need urgent Police assistance. E.g., theft from a public space or car, lost property. (To file a report: | 105 |
Doctors | City Med (8 Albert St, Auckland Central) | 09 377 5525 |
24/7 Accident & Emergency | Auckland Hospital (2 Park Rd, Grafton) Open 24 hours | 09 367 0000 |
White Cross Ascot (90 Green Lane East, Remuera) Open 24 hours | 09 520 9555 | |
Dentist | Lumino Dentist (Level 1, AON Centre, 29 Customs St West, Auckland Central) | 09 373 4962 |
Taxis | Co-op Taxis | 09 300 3000 |
Immigration NZ | | 09 914 4100 |
NZLC has agreed to observe and be bound by the NZQA Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. Copies of the most recent Code are available on request from this institution or from the NZQA website at
NZLC operates the following arrangement to protect student fees: all student fees are transferred directly to an independent Trust Account (as specified on the student’s invoice). Fees are released to the school by the Trustee on a draw down basis as the student’s course is provided by the school.
If you have a problem, please let us know. You can talk to your teacher, the student counsellor or one of our office staff. You can also make an
appointment to see the school Director.
Our school is a member of English New Zealand. If you have a complaint that we haven’t been able to resolve, you may wish to write to our
professional body and ask for assistance using
If English New Zealand is unable to resolve your complaint, or if you do not think your complaint has been dealt with adequately, you can contact the
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). You can find out more information at
If your complaint relates to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, you can complete an online
form at
If it is a financial or contractual dispute, more information is available from Study Complaints| Ngā amuamu tauira, the combined student contract
dispute resolution scheme, Email:, Free phone 0800 00 66 75
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, you will find information about Auckland/NZ events and more!